Thursday, February 12, 2009

Girls Night

So last Saturday we had a girls night filled with food and movies...what else of course! There were 12 of us who came out for the festivities (which has got to be some kind of a record). We started off the night with dinner at the Paramount Cafe followed by the movie, "He's Just Not That Into You." If you are thinking of seeing it I highly recommend it!

Here are Emily and I right before we left for the "night on the town". You can see the belly is getting bigger by the second. Yesterday in Walmart someone asked me if I was smuggling a basketball...nice!
P.S. Sorry for the repeat shirt, but maternity clothes ain't cheap :)

It's movie time. We pretty much took up the whole back row. I love Mel enjoying her ice cream... classic

Here are the rest of us. I think Emily and I spent more on movie treats than we did on dinner. By mid movie I had a sugar headache!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


So these last few weeks have been crazy to say the least. Josh got a new job title two weeks ago which has had him working more hours than I thought humanly possible. He has been working 60 + hours these past few weeks. I miss him awful, but I am so proud of what a hard worker he is. He has already made such progress with his team and has only been in charge for a short amount of time.

We also finally bought a house! Yeah! That's right we left the city, and are living in the "burbs" now:) We are only about 25 minutes from downtown which is perfect since I am still working as the fitness director at our old apartment complex. Preparing the house was alot of work, and a week from hell to say the least. Cleaning and painting felt like never ending chores, and moving our stuff was ridiculous. How could we accumulate so much stuff after being married only 9 months?! Lucky for us though, we had some friends graciously offer to help, as well as, Josh's dad who flew in from New York.

As far as the baby goes he is still growing like a champ and making me chubbier every day:) It probably doesn't help that I recently started craving sweets, chocolate cake to be exact.
*Note to self: Do not bake chocolate cake, while self control is questionable!
I am currently 26 weeks along, and I feel like every morning I wake up bigger than I went to sleep. Everyone says around that 7th month you really pop, and that is rapidly approaching. I just can't wait to meet our little boy!!!

Well that should have you all up to speed! I know blogs with out photos are super boring, but our office is still a work in progress. I will post photos of the new house soon! I hope everyone is doing well.