Monday, September 22, 2008

MY 2-4 Birthday!

So Friday was my 24th Birthday, and it was such a wonderful day. My day started off with numerous phone calls from family and friends, which completely made my day. Later Josh and I had a softball game. Yes, that's right a softball game! For those of you that don't know Josh and I are in a Co-ed softball league with a bunch of our friends. The game was a blast, but we got slaughtered! We are now 1-1. We have to step it up if we want that championship trophie :)

After the game I got the best surpise of all. Josh totally faked me out and threw me a "Jeff Gordon 2-4" Surprise Party. To get you all up to speed, Josh is a HUGE Jeff Gordon (#24) fan, and we both had joked that my 24th birthday had to be done in true Jeff Gordon style. I think he was more excited for my 24th Birtday than I was. My party was complete with pizza, cake, all of our friends, and of course Jeff Gordon streamers. Josh is such a wonderful husband! He always has these cute, quirky ways of romancing me. I love him so much.

My sweet hubby and I

My friends and I after our
softball game!


Kattie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I am such a bad friend, last year I think I called mandee like a week after her birthday, oh well! Anyway it looks like you were treated well for the big day:) Much love

Aleese and Scott said...

Happy Birthday!!! That is so exciting and what a good husband to plan such a fun party! Also good luck on your next softball game!

Mel said...

Team Beer Me forever!

Emily Harper said...

Awww... I wish I could have been there! It looked like so much fun! Can't wait to see you next weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jen, I am so sad I couldn't be at your wedding, your dress looked amazing you need to post more pics. I totally thought of your b-day on the 15th and told myself not to forget, but of course I did. I miss you so much, I want to meet your husband, he is a handsome little devil!!! I am not sure if I am coming to a game this year, but I will be out there around Thanksgiving, maybe we could get together again and go to dinner. My baby girl would also love to meet you. I love that you have a blog now I can keep up with all the time!!!

Randi said...

Jen Oh my heck I can't believe I didn't even know you were married. Late Congrats and Happy b day. I havent seen you forever and just happened to find your blog. I am so glad to see you. You are so beautiful still and it sounds like your hubby makes you so happy. You deserve that. Anyways I would love to talk to you. It has been so long.